Friday, 29 July 2016

The Secret Pianist

The Secret Pianist

His friends all noticed how he was preoccupied with his hands. They were always clean and the nails were trimmed. When they played football he would never play in goals. Even his friends thought he might be effete. When sitting at table he would drum his fingers. Some people thought it was a nervous habit.  One day one of his friends was invited to his home. He told the group later that  he had a large piano and played fluently to a high grade. Now his friends knew why he cared so much for his hands.

Aidan Rafferty.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The diligent ticket collector.

“Tickets please, Tickets, Tickets please.”
The Persistent ticket collector went round the bar once more. She wasn’t having much luck.
“Tickets please, tickets please” Not a single person had a ticket.
“Tickets for what love?” one of the regulars piped up.
At last someone has paid attention she thought. “Tickets for the end of the world”
“Come off it!” the regular responded. “Tickets for what?”
The ticket collector decided to redouble her efforts by going to the characters in the pub in the east end of London just before closing time.
“Yes sweetie. I’m collecting tickets”
“Tickets for what?”
“Tickets to survive a natural disaster.”
“Well I’ll take one.” Said the regular.
“I’m not selling tickets. My job is to collect tickets.”
“I’ll have another pint.” The regular said.
By now a group had gathered.
“What sort of natural disaster is it? Another regular spoke up.
“It’s an unspecifiable natural disaster. But it will happen just after last orders tonight.” She said again. “I’m here to collect tickets”
“So where do you buy the tickets? A third regular spoke up. He was humouring her.
She replied in earnest.”I don’t know where to buy them. I’m just paid to collect them.”
At that moment, the landlord rang the bell for last orders. “Drink up gentlemen please”

“No tickets here, Oh well” sighed the persistent ticket collector “No one will survive a natural disaster.”
At that precise moment the pub was washed away by a giant tidal wave/ tsunami.
Paul Turner